1. Annabelle had a book character parade at her school today, and lucky for us, her pippi longstocking costume from last year still kind of fits, so there you go.
2. It rained really hard yesterday and today and we were worried trick or treating would be rained out. There is a neighborhood nearby that has Halloween the night before to avoid truckloads of kids from other neighborhoods. Other less desirable neighborhoods. There is something about this, one of the isms or ists, that H and I, while not liberal people by any means, don't like and so even though we were invited to participate, we opted to take our chances with the weather and go today. It turned out great. Tallulah was Cinderella and corrected you if you called her Tallulah. "no, you mean Cinderella." Annabelle opted for Froehlin Maria from the Sound of Music. She was very specific, and wanted to be in the costume where Maria arrives at Captain Von Trapps home in the ugly dress carrying the guitar. Thanks to Ba Noi and Grandma for making the costume and H for his superior crafting skills--he made the guitar case out of foam. And thanks to the crazy mom who invited us to a safari birthday party a couple of years ago where the favors were straw hats.

3. I will not eat one piece of Halloween candy this year. So far there have been reeses peanut butter cups in my house for 11 hours and I have not eaten one--did I mention that when I was a junior in high school and sick for an entire year the only thing that I wanted to eat was reeses????? I totally love these things, so this is a Halloween miracle. Thank you O Great Pumpkin.
4. The problem with not being a liberal non-racist or non-elitist is that you must remain a beacon of calm, smiling and non-judgmental light, when a 10 year old child shows up at your door and tells you she is dressed up as a stripper.
5. H should have his PhD in pumpkin carving. This is freehand.
6. I taught Annabelle and her bff the 80s classic "trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat, if you don't I don't care, I'll pull down your underwear." That one is like a fine wine. Just gets better....
7. My mom called this afternoon and asked me if I remembered what we were doing this afternoon last year. She was here caring for me during my post acl repair time. I couldn't remember, but she did. We were at Target trying to find candy and I was in one of those motorized carts for the elderly, crippled, infirm and obese. And it went really slow and we had to get another one and there was almost no candy left because we waited for the last minute. She remembered how much fun we had passing out candy and how much fun we had dressing up the girls. I remembered how annoyed she was with me for using Tallulah's birthmarks for her puppy dog spot eye and then I found myself thinking for the first time "thank you God, for my acl tear, because it meant my mom got to come over here and do so many fun things with the girls for almost a month, although she almost never bathed me during that time, and that would never have happened without that tear, so thanks. But, please, don't tear my other one."
The Lord works in mysterious ways, especially on Halloween.