I introduced myself to his mom and we chatted and talked. When we left, Annabelle told me that she hoped he was in her class. He was, and then he was in her first grade class too.
To say they are friends does not really do it justice. They are more like kindred spirits. I don't like the word soul mates, because 1. I don't believe in soul mates and 2. It inherently implies something romantic and there is nothing romantic about the two.
They are simply very content together. They play, they sit in silence, they eat their snack together, they discuss science and look for animal tracks. He likes Tallulah. They never fuss, and he has a box of rocks in his room too. They ate lunch together every day last year, and they know when to give each other space. "I let him play with the boys today, mama, it seemed like that is what he wanted to do."
We asked for them to be in the same class again and our request was not honored. So despite the fact that annabelle has the nicest teacher in the school, who is young and pretty and likes to teach with songs, and doesn't yell, all those awesome things, despite this-- she is unhappy. She was in tears tonight. She is not saying she misses him, but she is pointing out every negative thing about her day, which included a boy saying "La La" in her face as loud as he could. I explained how boys do silly things, because they are incapable of saying, " hi, annabelle, I like your suspenders, you are pretty and nice, will you be my friend?" And because they are such simple creatures they scream la la instead.
"H______never does that."
I am trying to ignore this. It is the second day of school, after a long, fun summer. So we are going to plod on, but I can't help but feel sad, so sad, because the beginning of school last year and the year before were so joyous. And second grade, out of all my grades, was the very best one-- which is perhaps sadder for me that I peaked so early.
But I know if he was in her class, there would be a boat with billowed sails, and pirates lowering their flag.
Trying to get my girl out of her cave.