Hyphen has always said that she gives the best hugs. He calls them lu-lu hugs. He asks for them every day because he says he feels so much better afterward. And this, in itself, or the fact that I think her little pats and affections are particularly soothing, would be no big deal.
But her teachers say the same thing. Her pre-k 3 teacher told me several times, how if she was having a bad day, she would give Tallulah and hug and feel so much better. "It's weird. But I really feel so good afterward." Her pre-k 4 teacher also told me that she gave such good hugs. After hearing this a few times and experiencing it myself, I told my mom about it. Of course, to her Tallulah is a saint. Clearly her favorite...not at all fair to the other three. "Well, there ARE saints living among us."
I am not so sure about that, I don't recall Saint Francis stomping as hard as he could on his sister's foot, like happened on Monday, but, could be.
Today, she had a field trip. So after it was over, we checked out of school early, and headed to the police stable to feed the horses. We hadn't done that in a while, it was more of a pre-k activity. Lately, though, it seems like we are missing pre-k. There is a lot of, "I just want to be with you, mama.... I just want to spend time with you." So we went today to feed the horses carrots. There was one that was skittish, and didn't want to be petted. He kept turning his head away.
Except when Tallulah came by. He turned his face toward her, and was still and calm while she stroked his tremendous cheek.
So maybe this is a thing. Maybe this is something.