Thursday, December 23, 2010

When and how we pray

When Annabelle was a baby, the worst time of day was the 2.a.m feeding. The house was lonely and creepy, no one was awake and I had those terrible Johnny Cash blues. I started to dread it every night at about 10p.m. One of those weird things that happens when you have a baby, I guess.

With Tallulah, I enjoy that feeding. Even though I am tired out of my mind, the house seems peaceful and quiet and content. I start by thanking God for all the people at rest in my house and I pray for the health of everyone in my family. And then I ask him for selfish things and for non selfish things.

I am in the habit of praying at all times of the day. For big things (please don't let my mom's cancer come back) and little things (make this light turn green right now before the baby notices the car is stopped and starts to scream again). I think you need to stay in constant contact.

I met a girl (when I say girl I mean someone who is slightly younger than me) once and I knew we would always be friends when she crossed herself as an ambulance went by. I asked what she was doing and she said she always says a little prayer for the person in the ambulance. I never knew anyone else did that besides me.

But nothing beats my mom. My mom is one of those people who every night before she goes to bed says the name of all of her family, sisters, brother, in-laws, neices, nephews, great neices and nephews, and all of her friends. She prays herself to sleep. Her prayers almost always get answered and when they don't, she assumes she is not sincere enough and is doing something wrong. After she broke her ankle, when she was foggy brained on pain meds, I called her and she told me she sent an email to God about her ankle. An email. And although it has become our joke, she continues to tell me that she is sending God an email about something or other. Today she told me how to do it.

Mom: do you want to know how to send and email to God? This is how you do it. You think--
to: God
re: tallulah sleeping though the night
CC: the blessed mother (you always cc the blessed mother on all emails you send to God)

Dear God,
please let Tallulah sleep at least 4 hours tonight. My daughter is tired and needs her rest and this would really help her.

(and then you always sign it like this)
your most humble servant,
antonia in castroville (you have to let him know where you are).

I am going to try it tonight. I will ask him for big things and little things, and I will thank him for all of you who read my blog and ask him to bless you with health and peace and a Merry Christmas.

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