The gnashing of teeth is what the yuppie moms do about school. They agonize over where to send their kids, what will be the best fit, etc. Like it really matters, its preschool, who cares? But you want the good teacher ratios and for your kid to test into Vanguard, so....gnash away.
The gentle persuasion was of the principal. Our Catholic school is a full time program, and I wanted Annabelle to go three consecutive days, not 5. She needs a taste of kindergarten, not the full lunch box. The principal finally agreed like this "I was a stay at home mom for 10 years and it was the best job I ever had--let's do it!"
Speaking of lunchboxes, we chose a Hello Kitty one, but at the last minute a surrogate grandma bought Annabelle a lunch box and thermos--much to the chagrin of the real one..."oh so you let Mrs. Carrabbas buy her one, but not me. She can buy her anything she wants, but I have to ask..." I believe she learned how to dole out guilt trips at Catholic school, but I am hoping they don't teach that anymore.

Did you think I was going to take a normal picture?

Eat your heart out grandma!

sister love
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