Friday, April 17, 2020

A day in the life of coronacation

What I did yesterday...

Attempted to educate ignorant people.

Gave up. Committed to them remaining ignorant.

Picnicked outside and ate all the classic picnic items: chips, salsa, fried rice, watermelon and what we affectionately call “ the Vietnamese egg thing.”

Experienced extreme fatigue but couldn’t sleep or nap.

Decided to combat fatigue with accessories and put on earrings.

Received an invitation to sun myself and listen to music in the backyard from the man with whom I’ve been quarantining. Probably because of the earrings.

One woman dance party outside while ”brick house” was playing, while man ignored me.

Sudden and new appreciation for the lyric “built like an amazon.”

Discussion topic “should a chaise lounge be in the sun” and I finally made said man realize that people who tan feel differently about the sun than people who cannot.

Showed him how I sunburnt my décolleté area from a 20 minutes bike ride the other day, further proving my point.

Received an invitation to go to Lowe’s to purchase something deemed essential, with a special trip to Starbucks probably because of décolleté.

Said words “with that mask on, you’re almost as handsome as Sylvester Turner.”

The rest of the evening presented itself in a similarly uneventful fashion, the highlight of which was watching a tween drama about horses on Netflix.

I am eagerly awaiting the next installment...

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