Thursday, November 28, 2013

Bless us, oh Lord...

Do not read this if you are averse to poop issues----

What happened after the gluttony, during the dishes, which took an hour to wash:

Audrey(drawing me into the bathroom and whispering) where's your Imodium?

Me: why? Do you have c-dif?

Audrey ( annoyed) I don't know, just where is it?

Mom: another pea? Oh my God- I am never going to finish picking up these peas!

Hyphen: why are there so many peas on the floor? thank god we didn't have fried rice

Lilly (from upstairs): all done mommy!

Tallulah (from upstairs) Lilly pooped upstairs

Me: did she poop upstairs? (Please note: I do not have a bathroom upstairs)

Audrey(coming downstairs with part of the potty training potty) hold on Lilly let me wipe your booty

Me: ugh I hate that word

Mom ( yelling at the dog who is on the couch). Look where she is! Perra disgraciada! Do you think you own this house?

Audrey: the toilet's clogged...

Dale: did you flush a Kirkland wipe down it?

Annabelle( calling) papaaaaa where is the plunger?

Hyphen: well your sister has such a restricted diet. It's no wonder she's sick--all of this food shocked her system....

Me: or she is contaminating our toilet with her stomach virus germs....

Audrey: there is a window open in your bathroom, FYI

Annabelle to dale: what happens if you flush it again?

Dale: the poop will come out on the floor.

Annabelle: I only saw water and paper.

Dale: trust me, there is poop there.

Audrey then started to sing the diarrhea song and I yelled at her for saying turd. Then I got points on the official tantrum tally/ hyphen neat feak fits that we were keeping track of on the chalkboard wall. This tally was for adult tantrums only, if we had been keeping track of kid ones, we would never have stopped writing....

Through Christ our Lord, amen...

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