Monday, June 7, 2010

puppet show

We were on vacation for a week, and now it is good to be home--back to the routine. Routine means that Monday is library day, and today at the library they had a marionette show. The show was Aladdin and I am pretty sure it was the same script from when I saw the production at Windcrest Elementary School, with maybe even the same puppets. Aladdin and Jasmine still had blond hair, which I suspect is historically inaccurate. Jafar, is of course, dastardly. They dimmed the lights for the show and as the show started, I was watching Annabelle. She sat, entranced, and after Jafar made his third appearance, she whispered "Mama, I want to go home." She said that every time Jafar had a scene.

Later that evening H asked her about the show. This is what she said.

"That bad guy was bad. He took the lamp. Aladdin is poor (she made her sad face with her pouched out lips when she said that). Princess Jasmine and Aladdin, they kiss. The Genie is a Genie. The bad guy is bad. He is bad. He is very bad. I don't like that bad guy."

Pretty much sums it up.

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