Friday, March 4, 2011

a dream is a wish your heart makes, unless you never sleep and then a dream is just well, a dream.

So we do this thing called family movie night and tonight we watched Cinderella. I hadn't seen it since I was a kid and I forgot how hard she had to work. Clean the tapestries, scrub the floors, take care of the animals, etc. And when it got to the making of the gowns part, I was struck by how similar our lives were. Today, Annabelle told me (albeit very sweetly) "Mama, I want you to go upstairs and make me a dress and I will do the pins." I, too, spend a fair amount of time cleaning the house and fixing food and drink for very demanding people.

But there are also some differences.

1. She is awoken in the morning by cheerful birds and mice. I am awoken, well tormented really, by snoring that is so loud that it cannot be fathomed, let alone described, crying, a three year who has wet the bed and is yelling "I'm wet, I'm wet!" and a dog who wants to be let out at the ungodly hour of three in the morning.
2. She has the cranky step sisters, I have a sick, cranky baby.
3. The cat is named Lucifer. I have a dog.
4. At the end of the day, the handsome prince politely demands her hand in marriage, whereas at the end of my day, a paunchy Asian politely requests, well.. you know.
5. She is a blonde and I am a red head.

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