Saturday, June 18, 2011

fairhope alabama, the city of child haters

So we are leaving to go to florida on saturday for a week long stay. And we thought it might be fun to leave a day early, stop in fairhope alabama and see the sights and take the scenic drive on in to destin. I began to call the bed and breakfast establishments in the area and found out that while the economy is teetering on the brink in most of the country, it is apparently going like gangbusters in alabama. In fact, it is going so well, that while most of the bed and breakfast places have vacancies, they can and do refuse service to people with children. So while it is illegal to refuse lodging to people based on their religious or ethnic background, there is no compelling state interest that overrides cracker-ass B&B's their individual rights to protect their dusty civil war era relics from the grubby hands of children under 10.

Southern hospitality, my ass.

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