Thursday, July 8, 2010

God Punishes

God Punishes--that is one of the religious theories I grew up with--that if you were too cocky, or rude, or impatient, or proud, you were going to get yours. It's a Mexican Catholic thing. I was playing at a friend's house (they were Episcopalian) and I said to my little friend "God punishes" when she did something to annoy me. Her mother, who never yelled, always wore patent leather sandals and who we called by her first name, Duffy, took me aside and said "Stella, you know, God does not punish, He is a loving God." Okay, so maybe they were Baptist, but whatever. It is a theory of retribution to which I have become accustomed.

Today, while at school Annabelle had an accident, the kind where your Dora underwear gets tossed. Then after she came home she told me she needed to go to the potty. She went to the bathroom and started to hide from me behind the towels. When I finally "found" her and got her on the toilet she had peed a little bit on her panties. Costume change. Then tonight after dinner she said she needed to go potty. I took her to the bathroom again. And again, she let some pee out before I could get her on the potty. And then I told her "you only get two costume changes a day, we are going to take a bath in a minute, so you are going to be a naked baby until bath time."

And then I sneezed. Twice. And I am pregnant with my second baby. And I am not the greatest with my kegels.

God Punishes.

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