Sunday, January 22, 2012

what I want for my birthday

what I want for my birthday, which is approaching. Please note, only 3 people who read this blog are required to get me a present. okay mom and dad and hyphen here it goes

1. chickens.
2. chicken coop a la Heather Bullard.
2. rain water collection system.
3. a banjo ***.
4, lessons for said banjo.
5. a calico cat (I really want a cat).
6. A cold frame made from windows that are in the rafters of my garage.
7. A trellis made from the extra chicken wire from the coop.
8. a compost bin

see how this list resembles a honey-do list? see the trend here? except for the banjo of course, but I know where one is collecting dust....

so I have a crush on banjo steve martin? who doesn't?

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