Sunday, March 17, 2013

what we've been up to

1.  Annabelle had a birthday party about a month ago.  She invited her whole class and her favorite friends from the neighborhood, and it has taken me a month to recover.  The theme was pippi longstocking bubble gum, because we love pippi and we have wanted to chew bubble gum since we were two, but bubble gum is for five year old girls, so we have been patiently waiting for 3 years.  We had a couple of party fouls on this one as we forgot to invite two people who are very important to us.  The friend who invited us to her build a bear party that gave us teddy, who we love and who goes everywhere with us, and W____A_____ who we have invited to every party since we were born, and for that, I am sorry.

the view from upstairs
5 year old girl

yeah, I made this, suck it mormon mommies

2.  Annabelle and H decided I wasn't busy enough, so they got me some chicks to take care of.....

3.  Tallulah continues with being terribly two

Don't jump on the bed, tootles

I said knock it off

Ok, I'll get the camera...

4.  Froberg farms

H sustaining an injury that he termed "migrant farm worker back."  I suspect the problem with his back is his front.

5.  Strawberry-Meyer lemon jam at Grandma's, and lots of fights, between me and my mom, of course

6.  Sprinkler cartwheels on St. Paddy's day
watch me

up and over

i did it!

me do one, too.
dat fun

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