Thursday, February 21, 2013

the answer is d

Which response would be appropriate when I asked H if he could brush the girls teeth while I fixed their medicine and he said to me, "But I can't, I never do that."

a.  This approach I will call The Griffin, as in Mr., not the monster, and it goes something like this--

"Well, there are teeth, paste and a brush involved, and I believe you have practiced on your own, so why don't you nut up, put on your big boy pants, and get it done?"

b.  This approach I will call the de Sales, as in St. Francis de Sales, who wrote this book called Introduction to the Devout life which espouses that doing all things with love is a type of devotion to God--I will also call it the Strange, not because it is, but because it reminds me of my friend who has this last name:

Said with a loving smile, "no problem babe, I'll get 'em in a minute.  Sit down and relax and enjoy the girls, I know you've had a tough day."

c.  The gunnysacker, or the Audrey, in reference to passive aggressive people who gunnysack their emotions--said under one's breathe but loud enough for someone nearby--its intended audience, of course, to hear:

"Well, there is not two of me, so I am not sure how this is going to get done."

d.  all are appropriate responses--depending on the response you want to receive from your intended audience, of course...

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