Monday, October 22, 2012

to bryan cushing, with love

My thoughts on your upcoming ACL surgery--

While the initial ACL tear does not hurt that much and you get rehab and can walk pretty normally, post op is a bitch.  It is a raving screaming lunatic bitch.

1.   Take your meds--don't think, oh, I am Bryan Cushing, I'm a tough guy, I've had two babies, I can do this with tylenol.  You will scream like a little girl, take your meds.  And then eat some apples.  And lettuce and drink some metamucil, and water because taking your meds causes another problem.  Which, you can wait out--you could think, hey, no biggie, I am a tough guy, when it happens, it will happen and I don't want to poop on the couch, because you won't be able to get up in time because...

1a.  accept that you are an invalid.  You will, I am sure, be pampered, and won't have to wait until 10:00 for your morning pee, but you still can't do much for yourself.  So maybe a fanny pack?  To put your pain meds in and the remote and your glasses.

2.  Spring for the ice machine.  I mean, I am sure for you, it will be no biggie, but bags of ice are heavy and that weight will hurt your knee, so buy for the 200.00 machine.  And ice feels like heaven angels rejoicing on fluttery wings on your knee.

3.  If your mom is coming to take care of you, make sure she doesn't have a bad back and can lift up your leg.  I am not sure what shape she is in, hopefully pretty good, but try to make it easy on her, even when she drops your legs or twists it.

4.  Invite H over to cook your meals.  But not to bath your whiny kids, because he has less patience for that, and his insensitivity and fatigue may cause him to be short, which will cause them to cry harder.

Get well soon and try not to bitch too much.  There are people depending on you, for pete's sake and they can't see you cry like a baby, because that is stressful and makes them have nightmares that you are going to hurt yourself again and wish that you had "never played that game."

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