Thursday, August 27, 2009

to my dear and loving husband

have you ever--

1. made out in a cemetery in an un-airconditioned 1985 tempo?

2. found a coke machine that was accidentally set to sell at a nickel so you filled up bags and bags of cokes that you bought with change that you had in said tempo?

3. had someone tell you not to get your panties in a wad--on your wedding day????

4. lived in an apartment with a window unit and an oven that burned everything so you decided to grill everything on the tiny balcony on a tiny grill?

5. sat out on the back porch of your first house eating hamburgers and watching pecan leaves fall?

6. ran a marathon with someone who was running with you --to keep you going-- and had everyone concerned that that someone was going to need the sag wagon before you needed it?

7. really enjoyed a hammock, I mean really enjoyed it?

8. convinced someone that even though you were out of toilet paper you could still make a good parent?

9. seen someone almost get kicked out of the delivery room by the ob for being too good of a cheerleader?

well, I have done all of this and more with Hyphen. Happy Birthday dude.

Compare with me, ye women, if you can.

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