Saturday, September 12, 2009

Our visit to the big D

On Thursday I water-skied, bowled, golfed and boxed. Not in real life, of course, on the Wii at Annabelle's cousins' house. For those of you who call a blackberry a blueberry, (you know who you are mom) a Wii is a video game, which, through the miracle of modern technology and a really sensitive joystick, allows you to virtually play sports, kind of like in a star-trek movie I saw, where they put on the glasses and they are in another place, a world where I kick Hyphen's ass at boxing.

Annabelle and her cousins really enjoyed each other. I remember when my cousins used to come and visit. It was better than Christmas. Overheard during the visit:

Big Cousin: "Annabelle, don't touch my molecules." Big cousin is pretty brilliant. The molecules were a high school chemistry set. Remember any of this? Hydrogen bonds? Bromine, carbon, oxygen? The noble gases? 1s1,2p2, Avogadro's number? Ring a bell? Well, he plays with this and he is not yet 5. To Annabelle they looked like beautiful beads that she could lose and hide in places. Totally irresistible to her.

Little cousin: "Mama, Annabelle's being mean to me." That was absolutely true about 60 percent of the time.

Me to Hyphen during our boxing match: "take that! take that! take that!"

Uncle to Hyphen during same match: "you are boxing, not playing patty-cakes"

Did I mention that I pummeled Hyphen at boxing? Beat down. Spanking. It was pretty sad actually.

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