Thursday, August 23, 2012

Things we learn at school and things we figure out on our own

Things we learn at school

Annabelle(incredulous): "mama, did you know that when boys play with each other they hit each other?

Me: I have noticed that

Annabelle: and when the y hit each other, they do it and it is called a punch. Do you know what a punch is? It is when you hit someone with a closed fist. (makes fist)

Me(thinking she needs to be hired by a certain T____ B______ to write some complaints and informations) Really?

Annabelle: yes. that is what they do. Isn't that strange?

Me: yes, truly. And that is why I do not have boys.

Things we figure out on our own

Annabelle: mama, did you know there are 4 types of cows?

Me: no

Annabelle: yes. There are the cows we chop up and get steak from. There are the cows that give us milk. Then there are the cows that give us chocolate milk. And then there are the black and white cows. And they give us--you know

Me: what?

Annabelle: cookies and cream.

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