Monday, November 30, 2009


November is my most favorite month. And because of that, it always seems way too short, much shorter than the shortest February. Sandwiched in between the length and obscenity of October and the frenzy that is December, she is a grand old Dame forgotten by almost everyone-- except for us. We tried to make her last, we had a Thanksgiving playdate and we went to Castroville and made turkey and leaf cookies to celebrate autumn, but our last few days were eaten up with sickness, and we couldn't even enjoy Thanksgiving properly. No popcorn in the evening while watching the UT game, no Friday trip downtown to listen to music in front of the Alamo and watch them turn on the Christmas lights (even in the glory of Thanksgiving, she is still overshadowed by Black Friday and Christmas, yet she graciously acquiesces).

Today is the very last day. To celebrate, Annabelle, baby Annabelle, and I bundled up went on a walk to look for colorful trees and we gathered up some of the prettiest leaves to give to Papa.

He had just got home from work when we came home and we all had a cup hot chocolate and Chili that had been simmering on the stove all afternoon.

Farewell fond friend. I will see you next year, si dios quiere.

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